"I had just been told I was going to have twins: I absolutely had to cry, and at the same time I could only imagine someone must be playing an elaborate prank on me."
While it was definitely not a prank when the author found out she was having twins, it would not be the last time she cried (or looked for the hidden cameras) in the weeks and months ahead. The Day Between: A Memoir of Miracles weaves together the story of an ordinary military family whose twin girls have a long fight to birth, including a harrowing emergency surgery at 20 weeks. Mixed in with the tears of loss and heartbreak are the light-hearted emotions of encouragement and hope as the author shares the lessons she gains during her journey. Faith is tested as she mourns the death of one daughter, and faith is ultimately proven true in the miraculous birth of the other. This story will bring hope and healing to those who have dealt with grief and disappointment and help others recognize the miracles in their own lives Buy Links: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Between-Memoir-Miracles-ebook/dp/B075XSGYVL/ ~ My Review ~
Knowing this author's story, I hesitated to read mainly because I knew my tears would come. And this morning, as dreary as a Wednesday in November in Texas can be, I finally sat down and read. It took me just a few hours to read through in one sitting but I did give myself little breaks here and there when the words started to be blurry. I wept through this memoir. I wept for her loss and grief but mostly, for her words. Her testimony that God will provide, that God is sufficient, that God is in control and that our children, aren't ours but God's children. I wept reading her love of Christ. This is what faith looks like, sounds like, reads like. And to have known just a fragment of her story and finally reading this entirety, I couldn't be more humbled by the grace and strength Abigail has shown throughout that season of loss.
This book isn't just for mothers who have experienced grief, though it is a comforting and lovely read. This book is for anyone who has been feeling "blinded" by all the things we see on the news and wondering where God is in this chaos and when will He step in? This is a testimony of being consumed with worry and fear creeping into our heart, all the while praying our "please please please please God" lowest of lows prayer that WE'VE ALL been on, and only in hindsight do we get to see He was right there in our chaos and hasn't really left us. We've just been so focused on other things. We focus on what we know, not what our Father knows. So thank you for your story, Abigail. To God be the Glory and to you, my book nerd fam, who has had your day of being broken, beaten down; your day of loss, of mourning, I will pray for you in your wait. I will pray for your "day between." About the Author
Abigail Wilson is a Christian memoirist and blogger. She lives in San Antonio, Tx with her husband, three children and a healthy dose of humor and caffeine to keep her company.
She loves traveling, sleeping, sitting on beaches without getting in the water and writing about herself in the third person for biography purposes.
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May 2023