1.) Submitted a poem called, "the voice," to Please See Me (rejected) 2.) Submitted pmdd & me chapbook to Porkbelly Press (rejected) 3.) Submitted pmdd & me chapbook to Perhappened Press (rejected) FEBRUARY 4.) Submitted a poem called, "the cry of the struggle," to Dropout Publishing (rejected) 5.) Submitted a poem called, "the cry of the struggle," to Second Chance Lit (rejected) 6.) Submitted a poem, "my anxious self,"(accepted) & prose, "dear anxious believer,"(Accepted) to Pearshaped Press(ANTHOLOGY) APRIL 7.) Submitted pmdd & me chapbook to Selcouth Station (rejected). 8.) Submitted pmdd & me chapbook to the Poetry Question chapbook contest (rejected) 9.) Submitted 2 poems, "cry of the struggle," and "this is how I'm surviving," to Revue Post (rejected) 10.) Submitted a poem called, "me too," to Brave Voices Magazine (rejected) 11.) Submitted a poem called, "the jungle that birthed me," to Rigorous (accepted) 12.) Submitted 3 poems, "thou shalt remain nameless," "growing up girl," and "the state of things" to Antiherioine chic (rejected) 13.) Submitted 3 poems, shower, cry, repeat," "lessons in motherhood," and "the things we carry" to Fahmidan Journal (rejected) 14.) Submitted a poem called, "this is how I'm surviving," to Marías at Sampaguitas APRIL Contest (WON 3rd place)! MAY 15.) Submitted a poem called, "lessons in motherhood," to Literary Mama on 5/6/21 (rejected). 16.) Submitted a personal essay called, "raising babies in the hyphen," to The Nasiona for their True Stories en Vivo call on 5/12 (awaiting). 17.) Submitted a poem called, "early start," to querencia magazine on 5/12 (Accepted for July 2nd issue). 18.) Submitted a poem called, "here's what I know," to The Lannang Archives on 5/27 (Accepted for current issue). JUNE 19.) Submitted 2 poems, fog and mother, may I to Celestal Review on 6/13 (awaiting). 20.) Submitted pmdd & me chapbook to SHANTI ARTS PUBLISHING on 6/13 (awaiting). JULY 21. Submitted 'its pronounced lie-lah' chapbook to Sledgehammer Lit on 7/2 (rejected). 22. Submitted poem, 'this too shall pass,' to Poetry Marathon Anthology on 7/7 (Accepted for Anthology) 23. Submitted 'explaining anxiety to a 9 year old' to FEEEL Magazine on 7/30 (Accepted) AUGUST 24. Submitted "one day," to Agape Review on 8/31 (Accepted). October 25. Submitted "I remember" to Cardigan Press Anthology on 10/12 (neither an acceptance or rejection. The press decided not to move ahead with their Anthology). 26. Submitted "me too" to Eclipse Lit on 10/30 (awaiting). 27. Submitted "I remember" to Feral Poetry on 10/30 (rejected). 28. Submitted excerpt of "love, lumpia and words," to First Matter Press on 10/30 (rejected). November 29. Submitted manuscript, love, lumpia & words," to Perugia Press Prize on 11/13 (rejected). 30. Submitted manuscript, "love, lumpia & words," to Finishing Line Press on 11/28 (rejected). 8/30 acceptances
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May 2023