Finding some jemsI've been homeschooling my 3rd grader for the past three and a half months now, and I've got to say that the books that I've picked up have been intentional. I want to find our own voices and faces reflected back to us as we read. The amount of books I've picked up from different backgrounds - the different abled bodies to Asian voices to African and Native American stories have been amazing to see. So much more representation than all the picture books I had growing up!!!
Going forward, I'm reviving this book blog portion of my site. I do miss book blogging and sharing the treasures we find with you. Please note that these will most likely be stories for elementary aged or younger, but I do like a great YA or adult historical fiction, every so often. As I'm building up my library at home, I hope you start your collection too!
Book Pick:I use Goodread's rating scale1 star – didn’t like it
2 stars – it was OK 3 stars – liked it 4 stars – really liked it 5 stars – it was so amazing, it's on my reread pile! Categories
May 2023