A few months ago I was interviewed by Jade Moore over on her site, Jade's Bookshelf. Thanks, Jade for the opportunity!
"And this month, we have another individual, Leila Tualla, whose faith, and mental health have been present on her writing journey. Her books feature romance, poetry and personal memoir, and have proved inspiring to her readers who have been through similar experiences. I’m very proud to welcome Leila to my blog, and hope anyone reading this can take inspiration from her story." DESCRIBE THE MOMENT YOU TRULY FELT LIKE AN AUTHOR.I’m still working on this one. Ha! Imposter syndrome is the worst. WHAT BOOK BY ANOTHER AUTHOR DO YOU WISH YOU’D WRITTEN?I don’t think I have any. Mostly because I tend to write from some experiences in my life and I don’t know if I could create an entire world that someone else had imagined. I believe each person has a story to tell and it’s not my place to write their story. Read the rest here.
I was interviewed by author H.L. Burke over at her blog. She asked random questions and I had fun answering them.
"You win a vacation to a hotel with an amazing spa, free buffet, great view, and everything you could imagine for your perfect getaway … but the hotel is completely staffed by giant spiders. Do you accept? No. Never. Nope. And thanks for officially giving me nightmares about giant spiders staffing any vacation packages, I may win in the future. Scratch that, I will probably never enter these vacation packages because of this scenario. When cats take over the world, how do you plan to win their good graces? Continue to do everything to their bidding? I thought they've already taken over. Which of the following potions would you like to possess: a Love Potion or a Sleeping Potion? I'm a tired mama, I would take the sleeping potion in heartbeat. Has that already been invented? I'd sprinkle sleeping potion all over my kiddos' beds." You can read more on the interview here. Grateful to be a part of this group of authors for this #ThankfulAuthor2017 post. I have so much to be thankful for. My family, my friends, my mama tribe, my daughter and my son. So much to live for. Read my post here.
Hi, there!I drink too much coffee, read too many books, and in between raising miracle babies, I find time to write.
January 2025