LONGEST MONTH EVER! But then again, after the holidays, the highs of starting "fresh" and then the mediocre start..... it feels like this month has just been dragging. Anyway, going to adjust my needs/wants and make an effort into a more realistic goal for me. JANUARY GOALS 1.) Write and Submit a poem to a lit mag/anthology. I did submit a poem that was rejected once to a second chance press....who then rejected the same poem. SIGH. Such is the life of a poet whos work is very much subjective and objectified. I am forever grateful for each "rejection" however, as each one simultaenously deflated my heart but gave me just enough hope to try again another day. I also submitted a 'PMDD themed' chapbook to 2 different chapbook press. Still waiting on word. 2.) Write 1 chapter/1 hour of current work in progress (WIP) a day. Eh, I began this year having written 1 chapter...... I'm in Chapter 4. BUT I finished my outline of my WIP, a Filipino romcom..... and I wholly believe that progress is progress, no matter how small. 3.) January Whole30 starts on 1/04. I would like to say I had every intention of starting strong, but that would be a lie. Because my husband was recently diagnosed with diabetes, I've been cooking (and subsequently) eating more keto styled recipes. I do indulge in carbs because CARBS = LIFE. Soooo not going to start on Whole30 anytime soon. 4.) Do 20 workouts for the month (combination of walking, boot camp, camp gladiator). 16/20...not too bad but gah, didn't realize how CLOSE I was to completing this! 5.) Spend a day outside with kids at least once a week (nature walk, park, school outdoors). Goal met! We've played with our friends who are in our pod every Sunday... this started in November and its' done wonders for all of our morale. Hiking to 3 different state parks has been an incredible experience. I'm thinking of adding yet another site on this recent bucket list addition of ours. ~ February Goals ~"Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa For February, I will:
1.) Write and Submit a poem to a lit mag/anthology (repeating every month). 2.) Read and Review 4 romance reads by women of color (WOC), featuring protags that are WOC. 3.) WIP: Get to the 'middle of the story,' ie Chapter 10. 4.) Do 20 workouts for the month (combination of walking, boot camp, camp gladiator). I mean, come on, I was *this close! 5.) Learn 1 new thing/activity/hobby with my family.
I use to run for fun. I was never in any competitive running teams nor would I ever join but, I know enough about running that you don't sprint in the beginning. You start slow, build your pace, keep that pace, and run like hell at the end to the finish line. Even knowing this, I fail to remember that I'm bearing the weight of mental illness on my race. I sprinted right out of the gate and I've exhausted myself. I had every good intention. Got a shiny new planner. Listed all the resolutions and all the things that I promised I would do/accomplish. I was pumped and sat down and managed to write four chapters of a romance novel. But that was a few days ago. Today, I'm feeling the shadow of PMDD looming over me. And I'm finding it hard to concentrate, harder to "keep calm." I want off this track. In a few days, I'll walk out of this fog and feel whole again. I'll probably more than likely forget about this feeling of impending doom. I'll forget about this pressure that is sitting above my chest. I'll feel whole again. And then be ready to write swoon worthy moments between my MC (main character) and her friend-turned-lover. But in all honesty, it sucks to be here. This truth that I feel myself slipping away. This cycle is vicious. Resolution (noun): a firm decision to do or not to do something. Okay, so it's a lot harder to make a vision board using this technique. I'll probably spend some time trying to make a vision board at a later time. So, breaking this down, my 2021 Resolutions are 1.) Learn something new and I choose cross-stitching. I see so many cute and lovely designs on Etsy and on friend's pages....it makes me want to try it. I usually try to find one new thing to learn or try every year and this will be it for me. 2.) I came across an old "bucket list" of mine. I can't tell you when I wrote it, as sadly, I didn't date it. However, yoga teacher was an interesting one. I signed up for a course called "Kidding Around Yoga" (KAY) online certification. I'm not quite sure how this will pan out in the future but it's a step. I have kids. I'm currently homeschooling. So why not incorporate what I am learning to my kiddos and maybe when the pandemic slowly lessens its toll on us, I can share and teach yoga to other kiddos. 3.) Write more poetry. Write more of my story. Write more romance. Just Write. (I'll break this goal down later). 4.) As a family, we have 2 goals for ourselves. They are to spend more time outdoors. We are challenging ourselves to 1000 hours outside AND to visit as many state parks as we can for the year! We began our first hike yesterday and already crossed one state park off! 5.) I need to be more intentional on sharing my culture with my kids. At some point in their lifetime, I'd love to visit and show them the Philippines! I want them to learn my language, know their roots and family history. 6.) I would love to be more involved in the organizations I believe in. Mom Congress, 2020Mom, Momma's Voices. But, for the most part, it's the continuation of doing the work of advocacy for moms, babies and maternal mental health. This past year, the Champions for Change summit was held virtually and while I could still feel the fire and passion from the virtual meet ups, I missed the tangible part of seeing advocacy in action. I hope this fall, I'll get to actual embrace the women I met and are inspired by! 7.) Well it wouldn't be a "complete" resolution list without my mentioning healthy eating and or workouts. HOWEVER, I have been making an effort in changing our lifestyles. My husband was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in November. We started doing a bit of keto - more lazy on my part and we've resolved to workout out more. Luckily, virtual workouts are a thing and I've signed up for Camp Gladiator before! My old boot camp crew is starting on January Whole30 and I'll be joining her to "jump start" my sugar addiction habit. ~ January Goals ~“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ―Aristotle. The thing I know about myself is that I need to break down these resolutions....otherwise, it's truly overwhelming and either I don't know where to start or I do all of them at once and give up. For January, I will:
1.) Write and Submit a poem to a lit mag/anthology. 2.) Write 1 chapter/1 hour of current work in progress (WIP) a day. 3.) January Whole30 starts on 1/04. 4.) Do 20 workouts for the month (combination of walking, boot camp, camp gladiator). 5.) Spend a day outside with kids at least once a week (nature walk, park, school outdoors). |
Hi, there!I drink too much coffee, read too many books, and in between raising miracle babies, I find time to write.
January 2025