I've been hesistant to read this book, in part, because it's my husband's favorite author and what could I say if I ended up hating it?? I took my time and read this slowly, and did my best to avoid the 'where-are-you-at-in-the-book-and-what-did-you-think' questions.
Because my husband would often put this on as an audiobook during our roadtrips home, I would hear James Marsters as Dresden. Marsters had been doing the narration for the Dresden files, so if you need an audiobook that glues you in more than the story - pick the audiobook. You'll love his voice. I promise. Back to the story. Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is a wizard and a private investigator. He investigates lost things, people, random things that can't be explained. His humor is dark, dry and sarcastic. He narrates his encounters with people, and the magical creatures he sees. This book is fast paced. Its bracing for a storm of possibilities, and I felt like being in the eye of the storm. I could see Dresden; the frown, his duster, his staff. I could make out his outline and the energy he weilded with his whole being, simmering and readying to combust. I could make out shadows in the distant of things, creatures and people he was up against. It's calm in the center. But with it, you know the thunder, lightning, rain will come. You know this calm is just to brace yourself for whats coming. I like how Jim Butcher begins this story with a storm; a metaphor of things that'll come. I love how wound up Dresden is throughout the book and I love the climax that storm brought in. I'm taking notes. This is how you begin a series.
3/11/2017 06:16:58 pm
Like your husband, I am a fan of both Jim Butcher and James Marsters.
3/12/2017 09:44:13 am
You're welcome! I need to find time to make it through the entire series!! My husband is such a fan. He bought the audiobooks, paperback....and hardback *sigh - ha! There was a show on scifi once upon a time and that helped piqued my interest, as well.
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