I did this back in 2009 - a list of 25 things about me - click here. I thought, I'd revisit this list again today and give you 34 things about me (the Christian, the wife, the mom, the writer) that you could never find in the "About the Author" page in the back of the book.
1. I still like guys with fluffy hair - haha! 2. I have a terrible, terrible sweet tooth. 3. I think I watch more cartoons than my four year old. 4. I love reading when its completely silent. 5. But when I was a student and had to study for a test, everything has to be on. I couldn't concentrate whenever it was "too quiet." 6. When I chop up vegetables or prep my meals, I imagine I'm on a cook show and can hear the "people" critiquing my chopping skills. 7. Those are the only "voices" I hear. I believe I'm completely sane, otherwise. 8. I can't pass up a bookstore without looking through the cookbook section. I love cookbooks and have taken to collecting my favorites over the years. 9. I want to go sailing one day. 10. I love lists. To-do lists and check lists give me a high, especially when I cross out items. 11. Yes, I have written down something I've already accomplished before making my to-do list. 12. I've now been to Disney World three times. I'm hoping to bring my children next time I visit. 13. I can't write when the house is a mess. 14. I love veggies but have to force myself to eat a fruit. 15. My favorite veggies are spinach and bok choy. 16. I love road trips. 17. I break out in song and do a little dance every time I wake up my preeschooler. She thinks its funny and then we have a dance off. 18. It's only fair since she sings as I'm trying to go to sleep. 19. Playing in the rain is still the best thing in the world. 20. Audrey Hepburn is still my favorite actress. 21. I love talk radio. 22. I'm not crafty. Pinterest can suck it. 23. I have this thing with feet pictures. 24. I could wear dresses all day long, all week long, all year long. 25. But I find I spend most days in yoga pants. (Hey, at least its not pajamas). 26. I wanted to work for a magazine when I was little. 27. I can cry on cue. 28. Apparently, so can my preeschooler. 29. I still have a fear of heights. 30. And bikes. 31. I still have my copy of Catcher in the Rye from high school. It's the only book that's traveled with me from my parent's house to my dorm room, to my first apartment, to living with my hubs, our old house and our current home. 32. I love maps. 33. I wrote Love, Defined in 2004 to make my roommate feel better after her London trip - yes, that part in the book is real and everything else is fiction. 34. We're still friends AND Mommies. (Well, my "Andy" will be having her first baby, a son, in a few days - Eekkk)!!
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